A full decade on from Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, it is now almost impossible to still be in the sceptics’ camp and retain your credibility. But for the financial sector, turning your back on ‘green’ is even harder because many banks, in a community that came under a very uncomfortable spotlight amid the global financial crisis, are in business with the fossil fuel industry. That’s exactly where Ethical Homeloans is different.
There are plenty of reasons why all businesses should be thinking about the environment, and looking into practical things to implement. Here are a few:
1. Helping the environment
It sounds obvious, but it’s probably no surprise that many businesses look into ‘going green’ purely for the benefit it will have on their image. For the financial sector, this may be doubly important, as banks and the banking sector – particularly post-crash – need all the help they can get. But helping the environment should always be the number one priority.
2. Saving money
Most practical things that businesses do to ‘go green’ are actually good ideas, whether saving the world is the main objective or not. Turning off lights and reducing power usage in other ways, cutting back on paper usage and the overuse of packaging, and re-using and recycling materials, for instance, are all good, not only for the environment, but for the bottom line as well.
3. Businesses as leaders
Any cause – in this case, helping our struggling environment – needs leaders, and in a close second place after major governments, the business sector has a major role to play. Many individuals might be tempted to stand back and think ‘I want to help, but what can I do?’ But if consumers see their governments and the world’s industries leading the way with more sustainable legislation, production and consumption models, a global ‘green transformation’ may truly be possible.
And businesses who are seen to be ‘ahead of the curve’ in making proactive changes for the good of the environment will be rewarded with the loyalty and respect of its clients. The biggest reward for us all will be a healthier planet.