It makes sense to think ahead; in fact, it’s one of the things that makes us human. Therefore, it seems only logical to apply this to something as essential to modern life as banking. However, few of us do, and it’s generally not any fault of our own. Green banks are an option most don’t even know exist, and if they do, the obscurity surrounding them can sometimes turn them off. But green banks, and green home loans, are unequivocally the future of banking. With fossil fuels predicted to be depleted by 2088, whether it’s sooner or later, banking will become green, and by going green, you can be part of a brighter future today.
Denouncing green banking myths
The number one green banking myth that can dissuade potential customers is the perception of an increased cost. This is understandable. Most equate green alternatives with a price increase. The great thing about green banking is, in this case, it just doesn’t ring true, so you can maintain a clean conscience at a similar or even cheaper cost to traditional standards.
Why go green?
Regardless of your personal opinion, fossil fuels are running out. On top of this, the scientific evidence is clear in their harmful impacts to the planet. The mindset that your singular efforts won’t make a difference is a harmful one and takes credit away from what you can do. Billions of small changes inspiring bigger one’s will prove to be the solution to this problem. You may not think changing to a green bank is much, but in the big scheme of things, it’s huge.
A better planet for the generations to come
If not for yourself, choose to go green for the forthcoming generations. It’s about having pride in the human race, and reflecting this pride through your actions. By choosing green banking, you are choosing to make the statement, however minor, that you believe in humanity. Support measures of sustainability, of growth and of progression, and do it through something as simple as where you choose to take out your loans. The majority of traditional lenders have chosen to ignore that the things they fund are going to cause long-term damage to our collective home. Go green and show them that you do not support this mode of living and instead have chosen to be a part of the future.